Gov frameworks integration

DAO governance plays a crucial role in the operation of DAOs. We have conducted in-depth analysis and integrated relevant data from the current mainstream on-chain and off-chain DAO governance frameworks.

  • Data Acquisition Methods

    • For on-chain governance data:we obtain relevant information by monitoring events such as proposal creation, voting, execution, cancellation, and rejection in their governance contract logs. Additionally, we capture all delegation events from their governance token contract logs.

    • For off-chain governance:such as Snapshot, we utilize official APIs to retrieve the pertinent data.

  • Core Data Acquired By integrating the acquisition of the following core data, we establish a solid foundation for analyzing the governance status of the DAO:

    • Proposal Details: Proposal creation time, Proposal ID, Proposal content, Proposal start time, Proposal end time, Proposal threshold, Voting tokens, and more.

    • Execution Details: Initiator's address, Proposal ID, Execution time, Execution hash, and more.

    • Voting Details: Voter's address, Proposal ID, Option chosen, Voting time, Voting hash, and more.

    • Delegation Details: Delegator's address, Delegatee's address, Delegation time, Delegation hash, and more.

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