Aggregation of Basic Data

Fundamental data plays a critical role in DAO information, but often, this data is scattered, making it challenging for DAO members to access directly. To address this issue, in addition to incorporating DAO's avatar, introduction, category, and official website information, we have aggregated some foundational data of the DAO.

Social Media: We have integrated popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Mirror, Discord, Telegram, etc. We monitor metrics like Twitter followers, Discord community size, and Mirror article publications to visually showcase the DAO's influence and activity level.

Governance Token: To provide a clear representation of the governance token's price, we track the historical prices of all tokens on CoinGecko. Additionally, we monitor the number of token holders through third-party interfaces.

DAO's Management Committee: The management committee of the DAO is a vital component of its structure. To achieve this goal, we have integrated the Gnosis Safe wallet to facilitate easy access to information about all multisignature members within the DAO.

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